Monday, February 10, 2014

Citrix/Terminal Server and Monitoring Activities on Your Home Computer

Can your home computer be tracked

if you connect to work

via Terminal Server/Citrix session?

A question from our users: “Does Citrix Track Home Activity?”

The situation is:

You work from home and connect to your working (company’s) environment via Terminal Session (Windows Terminal Services, Terminal Server, Citrix Server). When you are in the Terminal Session screen you actually work (in other words, you do what your employer pays you for). And here is no problem. But the concern is here: you do all this work from Your Home Computer. This is where you keep your personal information, this is where you do your personal activities (web banking, chatting, personal emails, Internet browsing and more).


Can your personal home computer to be tracked/monitored by your employer when you connect to work via Citrix/Terminal Server session?


  1. If you do not install any software from your employer
  2. If your employer does not have physical access to your home computer (to install some software)

Then the answer is NO. Your employer cannot monitor your home computer. There is no way anything can “jump out” of the Terminal Session Screen and do harm to your computer.

Keep in mind, though:

Your employer can monitor what you do within the Terminal Session screen.

Employee monitoring software WorkTime –
Monday, Feb 10, 2014